Late Ms. Manju Lata, Inspiring Soul
Founder of Ezna Ventures

Superhumans. We read about them, watch them and admire them in the virtual world – but we had a superhuman, Late Ms. Manju Lata.

She always inspired and motivated us to help the downtrodden mass of the society by doing activities which help them and improve their lives in any manner.

Since education is the basic fundamental necessity for bringing any positive change in the society, she had undertaken the task of teaching underprivileged children from the slums near where we all family members lived for more than 2 decades.

Late Ms. Manju Lata sets an inspirational example to all of us in Ezna Ventures & will always remain a source of Inspiration to all the Ezna team members.

In memory of the founder of the Company, part of profits are committed to the Society for the children of artisans in the same region under CSR Policy especially in the area of supporting the education of underprivileged children.